We just returned from our little house in Gascony, France. Nice and quiet. We are close to the village of Trie-sur-Baȉse. I was informed quickly after mispronouncing this little town’s name, that care must be taken saying the umlauted ȉ as "bah-eez", otherwise a faux pas results. A PG-13 example would be the Parisian phrase for overnight bag baise-en-ville which literally means “make whoopi in the city.”

We just returned from our little house in Gascony, France.
Nice and quiet.
We are close to the village of Trie-sur-Baȉse.
I was informed quickly after mispronouncing this little town’s name, that care must be taken saying the umlauted ȉ as "bah-eez", otherwise a faux pas results.
A PG-13 example would be the Parisian phrase for overnight bag
baise-en-ville which literally means “make whoopi in the city”
Our French satellite dish picks up the UK stations. My favorite is the commercial classical radio station Classic FM. It is upbeat, classy and brilliant in its listener-friendly format. There is even an opportunity for kids to call in requests when they get home from school in the afternoons. We can take a lesson from them in this country. Maybe we would still have KMZT if they had modeled themselves after Classic FM. Check out their website classicfm.co.uk. Unfortunately you can’t listen to a live feed in the U.S. because of licensing issues. When in Europe, make sure you check it out.
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